Labels:text | font | black and white | screenshot | number | menu | paper | printing | document OCR: CONCENTRATES WINE CONCENTRATES: These large #s ounce irs make b galons and the price includes all feeded prey cl these concernsse. Now supple, same Figh qually, lowerprices IHTINS $35.86 ppd 38.50 ppd 35.86 ppd 38.05 ppcl French Colombo1: 35.80 ppd 41.66 ppd Loxraumlich 37.86 pp3 Pinot Noir Ruby Cabemmet 411: Grense te Does 411: Gewurztraminer 4114 38.85 ppo 4116 36.20 ppd 4116 38.06 ppd 4117 Raten 4118 38.00 ppd 4119 37.20 ppa 21-fanc:\ Ruth 27.Do ppa SODA POP EXTRACT (Makes 1 gallona) $3.25 ppd GOLA 2084 CREAM SODA 7085 GINGER ALE 1em 7081 SARSAPARILLA 7063 BIRCH DCERA FCGS GINGER BEER Itom 7062 5 or more (any assortment) $3.00 each ppo FRUIT CONCENTRATE:One 43 2. In rekes 5 gallons and indudes all ne ARRAty ingradert Ascanl sugar and warar. Parin $27.50 ppd $27 50 pod RAckeny 4123 827.50 pp.1 Cu uut: 27.50 ppJ Svantery 4124 27.50 ppd wed Hospoerre DaxChemy 4125 27.50 pps Pcoch 27.50 ppd 4123 27.50 prd VINAMAT 3 WEEK WINE KITS: These wre Ichis contar all ingracianis needed je cest sugar and waleri to make 5 gallons of delcious tarla wina in undar amonth. very dosdice instructions. Spraly Red, White of Free. ilkn 4130 Rad, them 4 31 h to) thom = 122 Roa !! Excel $25.95 ppd WOODRUFF: For Takrg MAY WINE. bom 4200 Per Hoz. $1.25 ppd LACTOSE: Non-fermentable milk sugar. Ilan BLI4 Por 66 lb. $2.45 ppd WHOLE ROOT GINGER: (nELdes Ginger Wro Recipe) AJE 52.55 gpd VERMOUTH POWDER: Spedit, Franch er halian. Directions on package. tam 4303 Facch Roz Ilom azte lisisr $1.25 ppd WINE-VINEGAR CULTURE: For making good cualty Minaga . With complala Insin.cliens. bom 4204 8 cz. culture $4.05 ppd BRIEB ELBEB FLOWERS: 2 6 PM, I# 424 BERBERRIES: 4 oz.p. t. lINTRE $3.50 ppd $3.90 ppd